June 6, 1992April 15, 2006


Chupps, Chuppers, Chuppster was our mascot. He was our best friend for almost 14 years. He was our “boy”, our pups.


Chupps was born June 6, 1992 in Kremmling, Colorado. Sherwick picked him out from a litter of 11 puppies – he was the runt of the litter and had distinctive white markings on his chest and hind feet. Chupps followed Sherwick everywhere (into every room, even the bathroom) and Sherwick took him everywhere (he would eventually travel to all four corners of the US with Sherwick in his pickup truck). Chupps was the best road trip dog - he never complained, even on the long, 11-hour drives between Kansas and Colorado each summer when Sherwick would go back to do his research on the pronghorn antelope. It was good growing up in Kremmling – a town of less than a hundred people where everyone knew each other and Chupps could roam free.


Chupps grew up to be a strong runner capable of lasting over 3 hours and running speeds of 5:15 minutes per mile (at least that was what he ran for track workouts!). He even won a 5k race (Sherwick came in a distant second)!


Over the years, Chupps became friends with everyone in Sherwick’s life from Sherwick’s family to Jami to Jami’s family to work (@ Instill, dogs were allowed in the office!) to triathlon and eventually to motorcycles. He was more interested in people more than other dogs …. or cats …



or goldfish



He was patient with kids



He liked his bones and would always chew them when Sherwick & Jami were looking for some quiet time (to do yoga that is)



One thing he liked possibly even more than people were balls – tennis balls in particular. He would fetch them on land and in the water.



Sometimes he would whimper while paddling back with the ball



Chupps always like to “come along” in the car



mostly to go camping but really just anywhere – say cheese!



As he grew older, he was allowed onto the couch



and would spend more time sleeping …



and sleeping



He found it hard to get up sometimes and would rub his eyes



but once awake, he always wanted to “play around”



He can never be replaced and will forever be missed …